Epic Surprise! Randy Travis Shocks Kane Brown With Visit During Live Performance of “Three Wooden Crosses”

It was a day like any other normal day at the NASH Country Daily offices—newcomer Kane Brown was coming by to play a few songs from his upcoming self-titled album, along with a few covers. Like I said, just another ordinary day.

Here’s the thing, it wasn’t just an ordinary day because what Kane didn’t know was that the America’s Morning Show team set up a surprise visit from a very special artist.

While Kane was in the middle of singing a cover of “Three Wooden Crosses,” the legendary Randy Travis snuck up behind him and surprised the singer with a visit. You can see the shock on Kane’s face.

“Duuude,” Kane exclaimed when seeing the star. “What’s up man? Can I get a hug? It’s nice to meet you. This is crazy” Kane said.

And we caught the whole exchange on camera. Check out the visit below:

photo by Jason Simanek


Driver’s Den

Driver’s Den

Miranda Lambert fans in Atlanta got more than they bargained for at her concert on Saturday night (Jan. 20), when the singer and her band burst into a high-energy cover of the Joe Walsh classic “Rocky Mountain Way.” Lambert struts the stage and does the heavy song justice with a high-octane vocal performance, but the…