In Case You Missed It: Carrie Underwood Appeared on The Tonight Show

In Case You Missed It: Carrie Underwood Appeared on The Tonight Show

Carrie Underwood is making the rounds promoting her brand new album Denim & Rhinestones.

This week, Carrie made a trip to The Tonight Show starring Jimmie Fallon to perform “Pink Champagne” – one of the 12-tracks on the new album.

Watch her appearance here…

Photo Courtesy of Carrie Underwood

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Driver’s Den

Driver’s Den

Miranda Lambert fans in Atlanta got more than they bargained for at her concert on Saturday night (Jan. 20), when the singer and her band burst into a high-energy cover of the Joe Walsh classic “Rocky Mountain Way.” Lambert struts the stage and does the heavy song justice with a high-octane vocal performance, but the…