Category Archives: Uncategorized

Last Chance Luke Bryan Ticket Grab

Listen in Thursday and Friday for a Last Chance NASH Ticket Grab to win tickets to see Luke Bryan on October 25th at Ford Field. Ty Bentli kicks off the winning at 9:51, then you will have chances throughout the day to win at 11:51, 1:51, 3:51, and 5:51. Listen for the cue to call…MORE

Arby’s Beef ‘N Cheddar 2 for $6

Arby’s has the meats, and we have the giftcards! Listen all this week for your chance to win a $20 Arby’s gift card. You’ll have two chances to win every day, between 10a and 2p with April, and from 3p-7p with Steven Driver.  Click Here For Official Contest RulesMORE

Nash Ticket Grab Chris Young

It’s a Win ‘Em Before you can Buy ‘Em Nash Ticket Grab. Win Tickets to see Chris Young at the Dow Event Center on October 29th. MORE

Nash Ticket Grab; Florida Georgia Line

It’s a win em before you can buy em Nash Ticket Grab to see Florida Georgia Line at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort on September 8th. Start your day off with with the Ty Bentli Show at 9:51. Then you can win again with April Rose at 11:51 and 1:51. Then again with Steve…MORE

Thursday Ticket Grab, Sugarland

Listen to NASH-FM weekdays around 11:51am, 1:51 pm, 3:51pm, 5:51 pm for your chance to win tickets to see Sugarland.  When you hear the sounder, call in at 810-251-6274.  Caller 51 will be entered to win! Tune in for your chance to see Sugarland with special guest Eli Young Band on June 28, 2019 at Soaring…MORE

Grill and Game Giveaway

Summer is here and it is time to get grilling and watching some baseball! Let NASH-FM hook you up with a chance to win a Grill and a game. Text the keyword DADDY to 88474 to be entered for your chance to win a Signet Grill, $100 to the Farmers Market, and a Pair of…MORE

Nash Fm 3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament

Nash Fm 3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament

NASH FM 95.1 is hosting our 3rd annual cornhole tournament managed by Blue Collar Cornhole on Saturday, June 22nd at Flushing Summer Fest. The event will feature two, 32 team divisions.  Each team is comprised of two people, tournament is double elimination following the Official American Cornhole League rules.  Social Division = $40.00 per team…MORE

Nash Ticket Grab – Lady Antebellum

Nash Ticket Grab – Lady Antebellum

Listen this Thursday for the Nash Ticket Grab to score your tickets to see Lady Antebellum at Ojibway Island on July 12th! Listen to call in all day to win your tickets!MORE

Win Tickets to See Luke Bryan!

Win Tickets to See Luke Bryan!

Luke Bryan is heading on tour. The Sunset Repeat Tour presented by Live Nation will make a stop at Ford Field October, 25th. Listen next week for your chance to beat the box office and win tickets! Be caller number 51 to win two tickets to see Luke Bryan’s Sunset Repeat Tour with special guests Cole…MORE

2019 Downtown Throwdown

2019 Downtown Throwdown

The Downtown Throwdown is back! This year the Downtown Throwdown will be at the Flint Farmers’ Market on Wednesday, July 24th from 4pm to 7pm.  Last year over 2,800 people came and enjoyed Tunes, Treats, Arts, and Eats! Admission is FREE! Tasting tickets can be bought at Win’s Electric or Win’s Corporate Office. They are…MORE

Nash NOtes

Driver’s Den

Driver’s Den

Miranda Lambert fans in Atlanta got more than they bargained for at her concert on Saturday night (Jan. 20), when the singer and her band burst into a high-energy cover of the Joe Walsh classic “Rocky Mountain Way.” Lambert struts the stage and does the heavy song justice with a high-octane vocal performance, but the…