Tag Archives: Dry January

Kelsea Ballerini’s “hole in the bottle” Kept Her From a Dry January

Kelsea Ballerini’s “hole in the bottle” Kept Her From a Dry January

Last year was rough. Then the holidays. Plus she had a song about wine — “hole in the bottle.” Kelsea Ballerini needed a little break from finding the hole in the bottle…so she took part in “Dry January.” Remember the song she made about it… Now that we are official in February, we checked in…MORE

Nash NOtes

Driver’s Den

Driver’s Den

Miranda Lambert fans in Atlanta got more than they bargained for at her concert on Saturday night (Jan. 20), when the singer and her band burst into a high-energy cover of the Joe Walsh classic “Rocky Mountain Way.” Lambert struts the stage and does the heavy song justice with a high-octane vocal performance, but the…